Risultati ricerca
Frankfurt : Fischer Taschenbuch, 1982
Koln [etc.] : Taschen, c1999
Munchen : Edition text+kritik
Francoforte sul Meno : Braun, 1972
Berlin : [Internationale filmfestpiele], 1983
[Berlin : Filmblätter Verlag], [1964]
Berlin : [s.n.], 1964
[S.l. : s.n., 1984?! (Berlin : Felgentreff & Goebel)
[S.l. : s.n.], [1986] (Berlin : Felgentreff & Goebel)
[S.l. : s.n., 1986?! (Berlin : Felgentreff & Goebel)
[S.l. : s.n., 1987?! (Berlin : Felgentreff & Goebel)
[S.l.] : Stowarzyszenie OFFicyna : Stowarzyszenie Latücht Film & Medien, 2009
[S.l. : s.n., 1988?] (Berlin : Felgentreff & Goebel)
Berlin : [Internationale filmfestpiele], 1989
Munchen : Edition text+kritik
[Berlino? : s.n., 1998?] (S.l. : Vogt)
[Germania] ; 2006
[Berlin : s.n., 1990!
Berlin ; kuki, 2005
[S.l. : s.n., 1991?! (Berlin : Felgentreff & Goebel)
Oberhausen : Laufen, [1975]
[S.l. : s.n., 1993?!
[S.l. : s.n., 1994?!
Berlin : Internationale Filmfestspiele, 1997
[S.l. : s.n., 2010] (Kassel : Grafische Werrkstatt von 1980)
[S.l. : s.n., 1998?]
Munchen : AG Dokumentarfilm, 1988
Munchen : Edition text+kritik
[Berlin : Internationales Filmfestspiele, 2000]
[S.l. : s.n., 2002?] (S.l. : Druckhaus)
[Berlino? : s.n., 1983 (S.l. : Vogt)
[Berlino? : s.n., 1983?] (S.l. : Vogt)
[Berlino? : s.n., 1984?! (S.l. : Vogt)
35. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin : 15.-26 Februar 1985 : Neue deutsche filme : Dokumentation
[S.l. : s.n., 1985?] (Berlin : L. Vogt)
Berlin : Internationales Forum des Jungen Films, [2005]
[Berlino : s.n., 1986?] (Berlin : Vogt)
[Internationale Filfestspiele Berlin 2006]
[Berlino? : s.n., 1984?! (S.l. : Vogt)
[Berlino? : s.n., 1988?! (S.l. : Vogt)
[Berlin : Internationale FilmFestspiele Berlin 1989, [1989]
Munchen : Edition text+kritik
[Berlino? : s.n., 1993?! (S.l. : Vogt)
[S.l. : s.n., 1993?] (Berlin : Vogt)
[Berlino? : s.n., 1994?! (S.l. : Vogt)
[Berlino? : s.n., 1999?! (S.l. : Vogt)
[S.l. : s.n.], 2006
Munchen : Edition text+kritik
[Berlino? : s.n., 1998?] (S.l. : Vogt)
Berlin : Internationale Filmfestspiele, 2000
Berlin : Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, 2001
Berlin : Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, 2001
[Berlino? : s.n., 2002?] (S.l. : Vogt)
[Berlino? : s.n., 2002?] (S.l. : Vogt)
[Berlino? : s.n., 2003?] (S.l. : Vogt)
[Berlino? : s.n., 2003?] (S.l. : Vogt)
Oberhausen : Karl Marie Luafen, 2007
[Berlin : Internationale Filmfestspiele, 2005]
[Berlin : Internationale Filmfestspiele, 2006]
[Berlin : Internationale Filmfestspiele, 2006]
[Berlin : Internationale Filmfestspiele, 2007]
Munchen : Filmstadt Munchen e.V.-Arbeitsgemeinschft Dokumentarfilm, 1991
Munchen : Edition text+kritik
Munchen : Edition text+kritik
[Germania] : EuroVideo, ScreenPower Home Entertainment, 2004
Abstract/Sommario: Jack e Martin sono i killer di due boss rivali. Il destino li ha messi l'uno contro l'altro, ma non ha impedito ai due di diventare amici. Quando i boss stringono un'alleanza decidono di liberarsi dei due killer: sembra la fine di Jack e Martin... ma gli eroi non muoiono mai.
[S.l.] ; München : Film und Kunst : Filmmuseum München, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Abschied von gestern / Yesterday Girl: is about Anita G., a young girl, whose parents are picked up one morning during the time of the Third Reich. She comes from the East and now freezes her way through the West. Three times Germany.
In Gelegenheitsarbeit einer Sklavin / Part-Time Work of a Female Slave, Roswitha Bronski is a married mother of three at the centre of the protest movement. She finds her plans for social change are easier to realize outside family life.
Two films by A ...; [Leggi tutto...]
In Gelegenheitsarbeit einer Sklavin / Part-Time Work of a Female Slave, Roswitha Bronski is a married mother of three at the centre of the protest movement. She finds her plans for social change are easier to realize outside family life.
Two films by A ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Berlin : Das Verborgene Museum Nicolai, 1997
Abstract/Sommario: Lotte Jacobi gehört zu den großen Photographinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. 1896 im westpreußischen Thorn geboren und im hohen Alter von 93 Jahren in den USA gestorben, zählt sie zu den wenigen Künstlerinnen, denen es gelang, nach der Vertreibung aus Nazi-Deutschland auf der anderen Seite des Atlantiks eine zweite Karriere aufzubauen. Zunächst als Repräsentantin der Neuen Photographie in den zwanziger Jahren bekannt geworden, steht ihr Schaffen in der zweiten Lebenshälfte wesentlich im Zei ...; [Leggi tutto...]
[s.l.] : [s.n.]
Hamburg : CineGraph : Hamburgisches Centrum fur Filmforschung, 2008
München : text + kritik, 2004
München : text+kritik, 1999
[Wien] : Film & Kunst, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: For 40 years, James Benning has been a singular, defiant voice in the American independent film scene. This 2-disc set the first in a planned series devoted to the filmmaker's oeuvre features two of Benning's seminal works from the mid-1980s for the first time ever on DVD: "American Dreams (lost and found)" is the filmmaker's personal take on the history of the USA from 1954 to 1976, told through a complex and thought provoking amalgamation of image, text and sound. In "Landscape Suici ...; [Leggi tutto...]
[Muenchen] : Universum Film, 2009
[s.l.] : [s.n.]
[s.l.] : Filmmuseum, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Enacted in 1871, the German penal code's Paragraph 175 sentenced thousands of accused German homosexual men to jail terms for "unnatural vice between men." In 1919, director Richard Oswald and psychologist Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld created a film intended to expose the unjust Paragraph 175 and help liberate the "third sex" from legal persecution and public scorn. Different From the Others casts Conrad Veidt as Paul Körner, a gay concert pianist blackmailed by a closeted low-life named Boll ...; [Leggi tutto...]
[München] : Filmmuseum München, Goethe-Institut München, 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Arca, a Berlin production company specialising in lowbrow entertainment, picked up a topical theme. In 1957, the German Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) had just re-inforced the § 175, the paragraphic delaring homosexual acitivites as unlawful, in its Nazi version, and denied gay victims of the Third Reich reparations. Arca assembled a quite above-average cast including famed Austrian actress Paula Wessely, Paul Dahlke and young Christian Wolff, today a well-rega ...; [Leggi tutto...]
[S. l.] : Studiocanal, 2019
Abstract/Sommario: Uno strano e misterioso cliente, Louis Cyphre, ingaggia Harry Angel, un investigatore privato, per ritrovare Johnny Favorite, un reduce di guerra, ex cantante di successo, dimesso in maniera truffaldina da una clinica psichiatrica nel '43 e di lì sparito nel nulla. Costui era sotto contratto con Louis Cyphre e questi non intende lasciare partite in sospeso. Angel si dà da fare, seguendo ogni indizio, ma cade in un vortice di paura e di sangue.
[s.l.] : Filmmuseum München and Goethe-Institut, Film & Kunst, c2007
Abstract/Sommario: Der Angriff der Gegenwart auf die übrige Zeit / The Assault of the Present on the Rest of Time: a young doctor feels that she is redundant. People hurry around. A family sits in front of the computer as if it were a fire in the hearth. A kindergarten teacher is supposed to turn a child over to its legal guardians. The blind director. The present becomes inflammed. Without prior events, the future and particularly a sense of the possible, there is no reality. Vermischte Nachrichten / Mi ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Berlin : Absolut medien, c2011
Monaco : Filmmuseum, 2014
Abstract/Sommario: This double DVD comprises all three of Antonio Skármeta's films shot during his exile in Berlin in the 1980s: His award-winning story about Pablo Neruda and a simple postman, which was also published as a novel and later famously re-filmed as Il Postino; the portrait of a three-generation Chilean family living in a Berlin apartment; and a cinematic diary, in which Skármeta visits other Chilean artists in exile. These films cast light on the everyday occurrences in a life shaped by poli ...; [Leggi tutto...]