Abschied von gestern ; Gelegenheitsarbeit einer Sklavin
[S.l.] ; München : Film und Kunst : Filmmuseum München, 2007
Abschied von gestern / Yesterday Girl: is about Anita G., a young girl, whose parents are picked up one morning during the time of the Third Reich. She comes from the East and now freezes her way through the West. Three times Germany.
In Gelegenheitsarbeit einer Sklavin / Part-Time Work of a Female Slave, Roswitha Bronski is a married mother of three at the centre of the protest movement. She finds her plans for social change are easier to realize outside family life.
Two films by A ...; [leggi tutto]
In Gelegenheitsarbeit einer Sklavin / Part-Time Work of a Female Slave, Roswitha Bronski is a married mother of three at the centre of the protest movement. She finds her plans for social change are easier to realize outside family life.
Two films by A ...; [leggi tutto]
Campo | Valore |
Descrizione | Abschied von gestern ; Gelegenheitsarbeit einer Sklavin / [regia di] Alexander Kluge. - [S.l.] ; München : Film und Kunst : Filmmuseum München, 2007. - 2 DVD-Video (110 min, 99 min) : b/n ; 12 cm + 1 fascicolo. - (Edition Filmmuseum ; 20) |
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Note |
Titolo del contenitore. - Lingue: tedesco; sottotitoli in inglese, francese, spagnolo, cinese, russo. - Data di produzione cinematografica: Germania, 1966 (Abschied von gestern); Germania, 1973 (Gelegenheitsarbeit einer Sklavin). - Caratteristiche tecniche: codice area 0; PAL; 4:3, 1.,37:1; Dolby digital 2.0 mono. - Contiene anche: Brutalität in Stein (Germania, 1961); Ein Liebesversuch (Germania, 1998); Lehrer im Wandel (Germania, 1963); Nachricht vom Filmfestival in Venedig (1966, 1'); An Vertov (1998, 1'); Sam remembers Papa Kong (2006, 1'). - Consigliati ai maggiori di anni 14
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ID scheda | 83481 |
Mediateca | Inv. | Sez. | Collocazione | Prestabilità | Stato | Prenotazioni |
"Mario Quargnolo" (UD) | 8809A | Centro Arti Visive | DVD 8809A | Ammesso al prestito | A scaffale | Nessuna |