Bluray Bluray

Windjammer : The Voyage of the Christian Radich

Los Angeles : Flicker Alley, 2012
Abstract/Sommario: Embarking from Oslo, Norway, the ship sets out across the Atlantic with a storm-tossed stop in Madeira, where New Year’s festivities entice the young crewmen to enjoy Portuguese musical celebrations and heart racing rides in basket sleds down steep cobblestone streets. After that, it is on to Willemstad, Curacao, where young sailors take part in Dutch festivities. They catch a courtyard performance of Pablo Casals in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, they’re greete ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Windjammer : The Voyage of the Christian Radich / [directed by] Louis de Rochemont, Bill Colleran. - Deluxe combo Blu-Ray / DVD edition. - Los Angeles : Flicker Alley, 2012. - 1 Blu-ray disc + 1 DVD video (142 min.) : color., sonoro + 1 booklet
Lingue: inglese; sottotitoli: assente. - Produzione cinematografica: Stati Uniti, Norvegia, 1958. - Caratteristiche tecniche: (Blu-Ray) regione A, B, C; (DVD) regione 0; NTSC. - Contenuti speciali: The Windjammer Voyage: A Cinemiracle Adventure (2012) A new documentary by historian Dave Strohmaier on the film’s original production - 56 min., Windjammer Gets A "Facelift": featuring before and after demos on the film’s remastering - 13 min., The Windjammer Breakdown Reel - 14 min., The Christian Radich today at the Aalbourg Denmark Tall Ships Festival 2010 - 7 min., Windjammer Trailer: New re-creation from the original 1958 release trailer - 3 min., Windjammer Behind The Scenes Slideshow: Featuring images of the production, the original exhibition, and original publicity of the film - 9 min., Cinemiracle Booklet Image Gallery: Facsimile of an original Windjammer Cinemiracle booklet
Titolo uniforme
  • EAN: 617311677595
  • ISBN: 1893967751
  • N. editoriale: FA0026
ID scheda 108252
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"Mario Quargnolo" (UD) 12270A Centro Arti Visive BLU-RAY 12270A Ammesso al prestito A scaffale Nessuna
"Mario Quargnolo" (UD) 12270B Centro Arti Visive DVD 12270B Ammesso al prestito A scaffale Nessuna
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