Twilight <film ; 2008>

Abstract/Sommario: La storia di Edward Cullen, un vampiro che, come tutti i vampiri, è immortale ma che a differenza di tutti i vampiri non beve sangue umano e non ha i canini appuntiti, e di Bella Swan, tipica teenager americana che ovviamente s'innamora perdutamente del bello quanto tenebroso Edward...
Campo Valore
Descrizione Twilight <film ; 2008> / directed by Catherine Hardwicke
Notizie correlate
  • Twilight / directed by Catherine Hardwicke ; music by Carter Burwell ; based on the novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer ; screenplay by Melissa Rosenberg
  • Twilight / directed by Catherine Hardwicke ; music by Carter Burwell ; based on the novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer ; screenplay by Melissa Rosenberg
  • Twilight / directed by Catherine Hardwicke ; based on the novel by Stephenie Meyer ; screenplay by Melissa Rosenberg ; director of photography Eliott Davis ; music by Carter Burwell
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