DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)

The Yellow Sea

Abstract/Sommario: Gu-nam is a cab driver in Yanji City, he leads a pitiful life. His wife went to Korea to earn some money 6 months ago, but he hasn't heard from her since. He plays mah-jong to make some extra cash, but his life only becomes more complicated and pathetic. One day he meets a hitman named Myun-ga and receives a proposal to turn his life around by repaying his debt, and reuniting with his wife. All for a price of one hit. Gu-nam crosses the yellow sea and arrives in Seoul. He prepares for ...; [leggi tutto]
Campo Valore
Descrizione The Yellow Sea / [regia di] NA Hong-jin. - 1 DVD-video SCREENER copia con watermark (140 min.)
Produzione cinematografica: Corea del Sud, 2010
ID scheda 81645
Mediateca Inv. Sez. Ubi. Prestabilità Stato Prenotazioni
"Mario Quargnolo" (UD) FEFF177 Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche Mediateca Sola consultazione A scaffale Nessuna
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