Bluray Bluray

Stolen Moments

[Los Angeles] : Flicker Alley, 2018
Abstract/Sommario: The only remaining version of an original six-reel film, the shortened Stolen Moments features is an early starring role for Rudolph Valentino, featured here with a score by John Mirsalis. It was truncated for a re-release after the huge success of The Four Horsemen and The Sheik. Valentino stars as Jose, a South American novelist, who seduces the beautiful Vera Blaine, played by the opera star Marguerite Namara.
Campo Valore
Descrizione Stolen Moments / un film di James Vincent. - [Los Angeles] : Flicker Alley, 2018. - 1 Blu-ray (35 min) : b/n, muto. - (Rudolph Valentino Collection : Volume 2)
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