Oppenheimer <film ; 2023>

Abstract/Sommario: La vita dello scienziato Robert Oppenheimer, da quando era studente in Europa a quando, in America, gli viene affidata la direzione del progetto Manhattan fino al dopoguerra, quando diviene vittima del maccartismo per le sue simpatie comuniste.
Campo Valore
Descrizione Oppenheimer <film ; 2023>
Notizie correlate
  • Oppenheimer / directed by Christopher Nolan ; music by Ludwig Goransson ; director of photography Hoyte Van Hoytema ; based on the book "American promoetheus: triupmh and tragedy of J. Robert Hopenheimer" by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin
  • Oppenheimer / a film by Christopher Nolan ; based on the book by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin ; director of photography Hoyte van Hoytema ; music by Ludwig Goransson
  • Oppenheimer / a film by Christopher Nolan ; based on the book by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin ; director of photography Hoyte van Hoytema ; music by Ludwig Goransson
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