DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)
Melville, Jean Pierre

le cercle rouge

[s.l.: The Criterion Collection, 2003
Campo Valore
Descrizione le cercle rouge / a film by Jean-Pierre Melville. - [s.l.: The Criterion Collection, 2003. - 2 DVD-Video : color., sonoro; 12 cm
  • [Durata] - 140
  • [Lingua sottotitoli] Inglese
Newly restored uncut version, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray edition
Excerpts from Cinéastes de notre temps: “Jean-Pierre Melville”
New video interviews with assistant director Bernard Stora and Rui Nogueria, the author of Melville
on Melville
Thirty minutes of rare on-set and archival footage, featuring interviews with director Jean-Pierre Melville and stars Alain Delon, Yves Montand, and André Bourvil
Original theatrical trailer and 2003 Rialto Pictures rerelease trailer
Production and publicity stills, poster gallery (DVD only)
New English subtitle translation
PLUS: A booklet featuring new essays by film critics Michael Sragow and Chris Fujiwara, excerpts from Melville on Melville, a reprinted interview with composer Eric Demarsan, and an appreciation from director John Woo
Titolo di rinvio
  • [E' titolo parallelo di]   i senza nome / [regia di] Jean-pierre Melville
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