Bluray Bluray

L'année dernière à Marienbad = L'anno scorso a Marienbad

[Gran Bretagna] : Studio Canal, 2009
Abstract/Sommario: In an ornate baroque hotel, populated by wealthy couples who socialise with each other, a single man approaches a woman. He claims they met the year before at Marienbad and she asked him to wait a year before deciding on a future together. The woman insists they have never met. The man tries to rekindle what he claims is the tenderness they shared, while she rebuffs him and contradicts his account. A second man repeatedly asserts his dominance over the first man, including beating him ...; [leggi tutto]
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Campo Valore
Descrizione L'année dernière à Marienbad = L'anno scorso a Marienbad / a film by Alain Resnais. - [Gran Bretagna] : Studio Canal, 2009. - 1 BLU-RAY disc (ca. 93 min.) : b/n, sonoro + 1 booklet (18 pagine). - (Studio Canal Collection)
Codice area: A, B, C; formato 2.35:1; audio Dolby Digital DTS-HD Master Audio Dual Mono. - Produzione cinematografica: Francia, 1961. - Lingue: francese, tedesco; sottotitoli: inglese, tedesco, danese, olandese, finlandese, norvegese, svedese, giapponese. - Vietato ai minori di 14 anni. - Contenuti extra: introduction by Ginette Vincendau, french cinema expert; "Toute la memoire du Mond", short film by director Alain Resnais; "Le chant du Styrene" - short film by Alain Resnais; documentary on writer-screenwriter Alain Robbe-Grillet by Fredric Compain; "In the Labyrinth of Marienbad" - documentary on the film by Luc Lagier; trailer; BD-Live. - Interpreti: Delphine Seyrig, Giorgio Albertazzi, Sacha Pitoeff
Titolo uniforme
  • N. editoriale: OPTBD0132
  • EAN: 5055201808158
ID scheda 109122
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"Mario Quargnolo" (UD) 12506 Centro Arti Visive BLU-RAY 12506 Ammesso al prestito A scaffale Nessuna
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