DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)
Truffaut, François

Jules and Jim

[s.l.: The Criterion Collection, 2005
Campo Valore
Descrizione Jules and Jim / a film by Francois Truffaut. - [s.l.: The Criterion Collection, 2005. - 2 DVD-Video : b/n., sonoro; 12 cm
Special features: New, restored high-definition digital transfer, supervised by director of photography Raoul Coutard, Two audio commentaries: one featuring co-writer Jean Gruault, Truffaut collaborator Suzanne Schiffman, editor Claudine Bouché, and Truffaut scholar Annette Insdorf; the other featuring legendary actress Jeanne Moreau and Truffaut biographer Serge Toubiana; Excerpts from The Key to Jules and Jim (1985), a documentary on author Henri-Pierre Roché and the true stories on which the novel and film are based; Truffaut on Roché, from the French program Bibliothèque de poche (1966)
Titolo di rinvio
  • [E' titolo parallelo di]   Jules e Jim / un film di Francois Truffaut ; regia: Francois Truffaut ; tratto dall'omonimo romanzo di Henry-Pierre Roché ; sceneggiatura: Francois Truffaut e Jean Gruault ; fotografia: Raoul Coutard ; musiche: Georges Delerue
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Truffaut, François