DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)

In Gefahr und größter Not bringt der Mittelweg den Tod ; Der starke Ferdinand

[s.l.] : Filmmuseum München and Goethe-Institut ; Film & Kunst, c2009
Abstract/Sommario: In Gefahr und größter Not bringt der Mittelweg den Tod / In Danger and Deep Distress, the Middleway Spells Certain Death: a female prostitute and thief makes her way through the city with a female GDR spy. Frankfurt, 1974. It's Carnival time. At the same time police forcibly evict students from occupied buildings.
Der starke Ferdinand / Strong-Man Ferdinand: a fundamentalist of the security forces. The chief of plant security Rieche has more proficiency in his job than his superiors ...; [leggi tutto]
Copie: 1
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Descrizione In Gefahr und größter Not bringt der Mittelweg den Tod ; Der starke Ferdinand / [regia di] Alexander Kluge. - [s.l.] : Filmmuseum München and Goethe-Institut ; Film & Kunst, c2009. - 2 DVD video (86 min., 91 min.) : b/n, color., sonoro ; + 1 fascicolo ; 19 cm. - (Filmmuseum ; 23)
Descrizione dal contenitore. - Lingue: tedesco; lingue sottotitoli: inglese, francese, spagnolo, cinese, russo. - Contenuti extra ROM per pc. - Consigliato ai maggiori di 16 anni. - Contiene anche: Porträt einer Bewährung / Policeman's Lot - West Germany 1964, 12' - Directed and written by: Alexander Kluge. Biermann-Film / Biermann Film - West Germany 1974, 3' - Directed and written by: Alexander Kluge. Ich war Hitler's Bodyguard / I Was Hitler's Bodyguard - West Germany 1999, 45' - Directed and written by: Alexander Kluge. Die Frau auf dem Schlachtfeld 2006, 1'. La Habanera 2006, 1'. - (In Gefahr und größter Not bringt der Mittelweg den Tod) produzione cinematografica: Germania Ovest, 1974; (Der starke Ferdinand) produzione cinematografica: Germania Ovest, 1976. - Caratteristiche tecniche: formato video 1,37:1, 4:3; formato audio Dolby digital 2.0, mono; codice regione 0 PAL
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  • EAN: 4260100330230
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ID scheda 83516
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