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Capitani coraggiosi
/ directed by Victor Fleming ; screenplay by John Lee Mahin, Marc Connelly and Dale Van Every
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Il giro del mondo in 80 giorni
/ directed by Michael Anderson ; from the classic by Jules Verne ; screenplay by James Poe, John Farrow and S. J. Perelman ; director of photography Lionel Lindon ; music by Victor Young
; 1
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La più grande avventura
/ directed by John Ford ; screenplay by Lamar Trotti and Sonya Levien ; based upon the novel by Walter D. Edmonds ; [fotografia Bert Glennon, Ray Rennahan! ; [musiche Alfred Newman!
; 11
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La rosa nera
/ directed by Henry Hathaway ; screenplay by Talbot Jennings ; based on the novel by Thomas B. Costain
; 16
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