Hitchcock collection

Campo Valore
Descrizione Hitchcock collection
Notizie correlate
  • [Comprende] Complotto di famiglia / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by Ernest Lehman ; from the novel The rainbird pattern by Victor Canning ; music by John Williams [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] La congiura degli innocenti / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by John Michael Hayes ; based on the novel by Jack Trevor Story ; director of photography Robert Burks ; music score by Bernard Herrmann [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] La donna che visse due volte / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by Alec Coppel & Samuel Taylor ; based on the novel D'entre les morts by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac ; music by Bernard Herrmann ; director of photography Robert Burks [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] La finestra sul cortile / regia di Alfred Hitchcock ; tratto da un racconto di Cornell Woolrich ; sceneggiatura John Michael Hayes ; direttore della fotografia Robert Burks ; musica Franz Waxman [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] La finestra sul cortile / regia di Alfred Hitchcock ; tratto da un racconto di Cornell Woolrich ; sceneggiatura John Michael Hayes ; direttore della fotografia Robert Burks ; musica Franz Waxman [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] Nodo alla gola / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by Arthur Laurents ; from the play by Patrick Hamilton ; director of photography Joseph Valentine ; 10 [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] Nodo alla gola / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by Arthur Laurents ; from the play by Patrick Hamilton ; director of photography Joseph Valentine [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] Psyco / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; based on the novel by Robert Bloch ; screenplay by Joseph Stefano ; director of photography John L. Russell ; music by Bernard Herrmann [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] Sabotatori / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; original screenplay by Peter Viertel, Joan Harrison, Dorothy Parker ; director of photography Joseph A. Valentine ; music by Frank Skinner [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] Il sipario strappato / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; written by Brian Moore ; director of photography John Warren ; music by John Addison [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] Topaz / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by Samuel Taylor ; music by Maurice Jarre [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] Gli uccelli / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; based on Daphne Du Maurier's classic suspence story ; screenplay by Evan Hunter ; director of photography Robert Burks [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] L'uomo che sapeva troppo / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by John Michael Hayes ; based on the story by Charles Bennett and D. B. Wyndham-Lewis [Vai al dettaglio]
  • [Comprende] L'uomo che sapeva troppo / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by John Michael Hayes ; based on the story by Charles Bennett and D. B. Wyndham-Lewis [Vai al dettaglio]
ID scheda 63067