DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)

Diamonds of the night = Démanty noci

[U.K.] : Second Run Ltd., c2010
Abstract/Sommario: Němec's thrilling and startlingly original debut chronicles the tense and desperate journey of two teenage boys who are trying to stay alive after escaping from a German train bound for a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.
Copie: 1
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Prenotazioni: 0
Campo Valore
Descrizione Diamonds of the night = Démanty noci / a film by Jan Němec ; [music by] Vlastimil Hála, Jan Rychlík. - 3-disc set. - [U.K.] : Second Run Ltd., c2010. - 1 DVD-Video (64 min.) : b/n, sonoro + fascicolo. - (DVD 045)
Lingue: ceco; lingue sottotitoli: inglese. - Interpreti: Ladislav Jánsky, Antonín Kumbera. - Produzione cinematografica: Cecoslovacchia, 1964. - Caratteristiche tecniche: formato video 1.33:1 full frame; audio original mono; codice regione 0 PAL. - Consigliato ai maggiori di 12 anni. - Special features: newly filmed appreciation by author and film programmer Peter Hames; photo gallery.
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  • EAN: 5060114150393
ID scheda 86284
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