DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)

Deutschland im Herbst ; Die Patriotin

[s.l.] : Filmmuseum München and Goethe-Institut, Film & Kunst, c2008
Abstract/Sommario: Deutschland im Herbst / Germany in Autumn: Germany in 1977, the Red Army Faction (RAF), Mogadishu, the prison in Stammheim, the murder of Hanns-Martin Schleyer. A film collage capturing the emotions of these events. "The closer you look at a word, the further it looks back: Germany." Die Patriotin / The Patriot: The story of Gabi Teichert who had already begun to dig around in search of the roots of German history in Germany in Autumn. In daily school life, at the party convention of t ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Deutschland im Herbst ; Die Patriotin / [regia di] Alexander Kluge, Volker Schlöndorff, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Alf Brustellin, Bernhard Sinkel, Katja Rupé, Hans Peter Cloos, Edgar Reitz, Maximiliane Mainka, Peter Schubert. - [s.l.] : Filmmuseum München and Goethe-Institut, Film & Kunst, c2008. - 2 DVD video (119 min., 118 min.) : b/n, color., sonoro ; + 1 fascicolo ; 19 cm. - (Filmmuseum ; 24)
Descrizione dal contenitore. - Lingue: tedesco; lingue sottotitoli: inglese, francese, spagnolo, cinese, russo. - Contenuti extra ROM per pc. - Caratteristiche tecniche: formato video 1,37:1, 4:3; formato audio Dolby digital 2.0, mono; codice regione 0 PAL. - (Deutschland im Herbst) produzione cinematografica: Germania Ovest, 1978; (Die Patriotin) produzione cinematografica: Germania Ovest, 1979. - Nachrichten von den Staufern / News of the Staufers - West Germany 1977, 22' - Directed and written by: Alexander Kluge, Maximiliane Mainka. Die Menschen, die das Staufer-Jahr vorbereiten / People Preparing the Staufer Anniversary - West Germany 1977, 39' - Directed and written by: Alexander Kluge, Maximiliane Mainka. Neonröhren am Himmel 1998, 1'. 100 Jahren deutscher Rhein 1998, 1'
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  • EAN: 4260100330247
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ID scheda 83519
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