DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)

Bird of paradise

[S.l.] : Valter Casini, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: As a yacht sails into an island chain in the South Pacific, a large number of natives in pontoon boats sail out to greet them. The natives dive for the trinkets the yacht's crew throws them. A shark arrives, scaring most of the natives away. Attempting to catch a shark by throwing it bait that has been tied to a harpoon-sized hook, Johnny Baker (Joel McCrea) accidentally steps into a loop that tightens around his ankle. The shark takes the bait, and the rope grows tighter, causing the ...; [leggi tutto]
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Campo Valore
Descrizione Bird of paradise / regia di King Vidor. - [S.l.] : Valter Casini, 2005. - 1 DVD (80 min.) : son., b/n
Ripr. del film del 1932. - Lingua: francese. - Formato video: PAL, 1.33:1 full screen
Titolo uniforme
ID scheda 113910
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Cinemazero (PN) 38052 VidoKi BI Ammesso al prestito A scaffale Nessuna
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