DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)

Asta Nielsen : Afgrunden = The abyss ; Balletdanserinden = The Ballet Dancer ; Den sorte drøm = The Black Dream ; Mod lyset = Towards the Light

[S.l.] : Det danske filminstitut = Danish film institute, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: Asta Nielsen is probably the gratest Danish film star. However, she only stared in four Danish films, all of which are on this dvd.
Copie: 1
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Descrizione Asta Nielsen : Afgrunden = The abyss ; Balletdanserinden = The Ballet Dancer ; Den sorte drøm = The Black Dream ; Mod lyset = Towards the Light . - [S.l.] : Det danske filminstitut = Danish film institute, 2005. - 1 DVD-Video (ca. 190 min) : b/n, muto. - (Danske stumfilmklassikere = Danish silent classics ; 15)
Lingue: danese, inglese. - DVD singolo strato. - Produzione cinematografica: Danimarca, 1910, 1911, 1919. - Film per tutti. - Codice area 2; 1,66:1 anamorfico; Dolby digital 5.1. - Contiene: The Abyss (directed by Urban Gad, DK, 1910); The Ballet Dancer (directed by August Blom, DK, 1911); The Black Dream (directed by Urban Gad, DK, 2011); Towards the Light (directed by Holger-Madsen, DK, 1919)
Titolo uniforme
ID scheda 78827
Mediateca Inv. Collocazione Note Prestabilità Stato Prenotazioni
"Ugo Casiraghi" (GO) AV7796 DVD07796 Fondo Sandro Scandolara Ammesso al prestito A scaffale Nessuna
Cinemazero (PN) 28820 DVD 1268 Sola consultazione A scaffale Nessuna
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