All tomorrow's parties
[s.l.] : [s.n.], 2009
All Tomorrow's Parties is a 2009 documentary film directed by All Tomorrow's People and Jonathan Caouette covering the history of the long running All Tomorrow's Parties music festival. Described as a "post-punk DIY bricolage", the film was created using footage generated by the fans and musicians attending the events themselves, on a multitude of formats including Super8, camcorder and mobile phone. All Tomorrow's People is a name representing the contributions of these attendees.
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Campo | Valore |
Descrizione | All tomorrow's parties / [regia di] Jonathan Caouette. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2009. - DVD |
Specifiche |
Note |
Codice regione: 0
Autori |
Lingua | |
ID scheda | 53547 |
Mediateca | Inv. | Collocazione | Prestabilità | Stato | Prenotazioni |
"Mario Quargnolo" (UD) | 6833 | DVD 6833 | Ammesso al prestito | A scaffale | Nessuna |
Cappella Underground (TS) | 15234 | D3995 | Ammesso al prestito | A scaffale | Nessuna |