DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)

All about my wife

Abstract/Sommario: Seoul, the present day. Seven years after meeting cookery student Yeon Jeong-in (Im Su-jeong) during an earthquake tremor in Nagoya, Japan, structural engineer Lee Du-hyeon (Lee Seon-gyun) is quietly screaming for a divorce from her but dares not even broach the subject with his now naggy, high-maintenance wife. To get some peace, Du-hyeon begs his boss, Na (Lee Seong-min), for a place on the company team due to spend a year in Gangneung, Gangwon province, three hours east of Seoul. Je ...; [leggi tutto]
Campo Valore
Descrizione All about my wife / [regia di] MIN Kyu-dong. - 1 DVD-video SCREENER copia con watermark (124 min)
Produzione cinematografica: Corea del Sud, 2012
ID scheda 79036
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"Mario Quargnolo" (UD) FEFF12 Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche Mediateca Sola consultazione A scaffale Nessuna
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