DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)

A reason to Live

Abstract/Sommario: Da-hae, who lost her fiancé in a hit and run accident, forgives the criminal who was a 15 year-old boy based on catholic belief and signs a petition for him. One year later, Da-hae is making a documentary to abolish the death penalty requested by Catholic Church. The time goes on, she starts to look back her pain having an interview to victims who live with the forgiveness.
(fonte: http://koreanfilm.or.kr)
Campo Valore
Descrizione A reason to Live / [regia di] LEE Jeong-hyang. - 1 DVD-video SCREENER copia con watermark (120 min.)
Produzione cinematografica: Corea del Sud, 2011
ID scheda 81759
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"Mario Quargnolo" (UD) FEFF193 Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche Mediateca Sola consultazione A scaffale Nessuna
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