DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)

A Fish

Abstract/Sommario: A professor of logic and metaphysic named Jeon hyuk got news from a detective agency that they found his wife in Jindo. He is on his way to find her, leaving his lecture and everything else behind. The man from the detective agency said that his wife is turning into a possessed shaman in Kasa Island which is incomprehensible to him. In this miserable situation, he decided to get her back and on the way strange accidents started to occur.
(fonte: http://koreanfilm.or.kr)
Campo Valore
Descrizione A Fish / [regia di] PARK Hong-min. - 1 DVD-video SCREENER copia con watermark (97 min.)
Produzione cinematografica: Corea del Sud, 2011
ID scheda 81700
Mediateca Inv. Sez. Ubi. Prestabilità Stato Prenotazioni
"Mario Quargnolo" (UD) FEFF185 Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche Mediateca Sola consultazione A scaffale Nessuna
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