4 grandi film : Matrix collection

[S.l.] : Warner Bros entertainment, 2011
Campo Valore
Descrizione 4 grandi film : Matrix collection . - [S.l.] : Warner Bros entertainment, 2011. - 4 DVD : col. ; 19 cm
contiene: Matrix; Matrix reloaded; Matrix revolutions; Animatrix
Altri legami
  • [Comprende]   Animatrix / dai creatori della trilogia di Matrix ; diretti da Andy Jones ... [et al.! ; produced by Larry and Andy Wachowski ; music composed by Don Davis
  • [Comprende]   Matrix reloaded / directed by The Wachowski Brothers (Andy e Larry Wachowski)
  • [Comprende]   Matrix revolutions / written and directed by the Wachowski brothers ; music by Don Davis ; director of photography Bill Pope
  • [Comprende]   Matrix / written and directed by the Wachowski brothers ; 1
  • N. editoriale: 100208053
Luogo di pubblicazione
  • [s.l.] - [Luogo di pubblicazione]
ID scheda 77915