DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)

[2] DISC 2: The supplements

[s.l.: The Criterion Collection, 2005
Campo Valore
Descrizione [2] DISC 2: The supplements . - [s.l.: The Criterion Collection, 2005. - 1 DVD-Video : color., sonoro; 12 cm. - (F for fake)
DISC 2 - Orson Welles: One-Man Band, an 88-minute documentary from 1995 about Welles’s unfinished projects; Almost True: The Noble Art of Forgery, a 52-minute documentary from 1997 about art forger Elmyr de Hory; A 2000 60 Minutes interview with Clifford Irving about his Howard Hughes autobiography hoax, A 1972 Hughes press conference exposing Irving’s hoax. - Appartiene al cofanetto "F for fake" di Orson Welles
Altri legami
  • [Fa parte di]   F for fake / directed by Orson Welles
  • [Fa parte di]   F for fake / directed by Orson Welles
ID scheda 71849
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