DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)

[2] DISC 2: Gillo Pontecorvo: the Dictatorship of truth

[s.l.: The Criterion Collection, 2004
Campo Valore
Descrizione [2] DISC 2: Gillo Pontecorvo: the Dictatorship of truth / Oliver Curtis. - [s.l.: The Criterion Collection, 2004. - 1 DVD-Video : color., sonoro; 12 cm
Appartiene al cofanetto "The battle of Algiers", di Gillo Pontecorvo. - Special Features: Gillo Pontecorvo: The Dictatorship of Truth, a documentary narrated by literary critic Edward Said, Marxist Poetry: The Making of “The Battle of Algiers,” a documentary featuring interviews with Pontecorvo, Gatti, composer Ennio Morricone, and others, Interviews with Spike Lee, Mira Nair, Julian Schnabel, Steven Soderbergh, and Oliver Stone on the film’s influence, style, and importance
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