DVD (Videodisco) DVD (Videodisco)
Malle, Louis

[1] DISC ONE: elevator to the gallows

[s.l.: The Criterion Collection, 2006
Campo Valore
Descrizione [1] DISC ONE: elevator to the gallows / Louis Malle. - [s.l.: The Criterion Collection, 2006. - 1 DVD-Video : b/n., sonoro; 12 cm
  • [Durata] - 92
  • [Lingua sottotitoli] Inglese
DISC ONE: New, restored high-definition digital transfer
New interview with actor Jeanne Moreau
New and improved English subtitle translation
A booklet featuring a new essay by critic Terrence Rafferty, an interview with Louis Malle, and a tribute by film producer Vincent Malle
Titolo di rinvio
  • [E' titolo parallelo di]   Ascensore per il patibolo / un film de Louis Malle ; adaptation de Roger Nimier et Louis Malle ; d'après le roman de Noël Calef ; images de Henri Decae ; musique originale de Miles Davis
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ID scheda 72256
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