Risultati ricerca
[s.l.] : The Criterion Collection, 2008
Abstract/Sommario: Due contadini bielorussi, soldati durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, vengono separati dalla loro truppa e cercano di trovare rifugio nei villaggi sperduti tra le foreste innevate: un viaggio segnato da tradimenti ed eroismi, fino ad una trascendenza ultimativa.
[s.l.] : The Criterion Collection, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: In an unnamed small Polish town on May 8, 1945, the day Germany officially surrendered, Maciek and Andrzej are Home Army soldiers who have been assigned to assassinate the communist Commissar Szczuka , but fail in their first attempt to ambush him, killing two civilian cement plant workers instead. They are given a second chance in the town's leading hotel and banquet hall.
Asian Cinema and the Use of Space : Interdisciplinary Perspectives
/ edited by Lilian Chee, Edna Lim
New York ; London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015
Jefferson : McFarland, 2008
Abstract/Sommario: Broadly divided into essays on postcolonial Asian Gothic, Asian-American Gothic, and Gothic writings of specific Asian nations. The essays of Part One demonstrate flexibility in adopting divergent. Part Two evokes Gothic as theoretical framework from which to interrogate writings of Asian-American authors. Part Three studies Gothic tradition in national literatures of China, Japan, Korea, and Turkey.
Durham : Duke University Press, 2017
[S.l. : Warner Home Video, 2004]
[S.l. : Kino on Video, 2003]