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Abstract/Sommario: Steve, an American physician, arrives at Pohang airport with his 13-year-old daughter Barbie. Mangtak welcomes and takes them in his old car to his brother Mangwoo’s house. In Mangwoo’s house, Steve watches Soonyoung, a 13-year-old girl, Soonyoung is the practical supporter of the family as she takes care of Soonja, her younger sister and Mangwoo, her mentally retarded father.
Steve has come to Pohang to adopt Soonyoung into his family. Soonyoung can’t accept the fact that a stranger ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Steve has come to Pohang to adopt Soonyoung into his family. Soonyoung can’t accept the fact that a stranger ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Abstract/Sommario: Bo-ra and her brother, Tae-hun, lose their grandmother they have been living with since their parent's death. But soon after he gets shocking news that Bo-ra has been kidnapped. The kidnappers plan to use Bo-ra in an online porno and threaten to post it on the web by 10 pm on the following day. Tae-hun embarks on an urgent mission to find his sister and get her back from the kidnappers!
(fonte: http://koreanfilm.or.kr)
Abstract/Sommario: A town outside Seoul, the present day. B: Bed for Werther. B (Jang Hyeok-jin), a lawyer, quickly got married after being dumped by his great love, E (Lee Min-a). His wife was divorcee Do Myeong-jin, aka D (Kim Na-mi), an overseas tour guide with a young daughter, Yu-na (No Yu-na). When D goes off on a trip, B recalls his time with E, their fabulous sex in bed, and how no one could replace her in his heart. He now feels suffocated in his marriage, and even tries group therapy. E: Erotic ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Abstract/Sommario: Director E J-yong signs on to direct an ad spot and becomes taken with the whimsical notion of directing the film not from on set, but from an off-site location using Web-based technology. E writes this very idea into his short film, a story about a director who attempts to “remote direct” his film in order to go on a date. E then rounds up a star-studded cast, but secretly flies out to Hollywood in order to put his plan into action. On the morning of the first day of the shoot, E J-yo ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Abstract/Sommario: Al suo ottavo film Ryoo Seung-wan, specialista dell'action sudcoreano più violento, estremo e noir, ha trovato il terreno ideale per confezionare il suo maggiore incasso. Nel pieno di una rinnovata crisi tra Corea del Nord e Sud, scatenata da due discusse successioni politiche - l'una apertamente dinastica e interna al Partito Comunista, la seconda mascherata da elezioni democratiche, da cui è emersa vincitrice la figlia del defunto dittatore Park - Ryoo colloca a Berlino, storico croc ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Campi Bisenzio : CG Home Video, Tucker Film, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: In un hotel di Berlino, un accordo sul traffico illegale di armi si trasforma in caos quando l'agente in incognito Jong-seong appare sulla scena. A vigilare in segreto vi sono il capo dell'intelligence sudcoreana Jin-soo, i nordcoreani e la Cia, tutti desiderosi di capire da che parte stia Jong-seong. Myung-soo, un giovane agente nord-coreano, si occupa di indagare sulla lealtà di tutti i soggetti che ha di fronte e coinvolge Jung-hee, la moglie di Jong-seong.
[Roma] : BIM Distribution, ©2011
Abstract/Sommario: Yoo-bong, un cantante nomade, adotta due giovani, Dong-ho e Song-hwa, crescendoli come fratello e sorella. Il legame tra i due è così forte che Dong-ho si innamora della ragazza e decide di allontanarsi dalla famiglia, consapevole di non poterla mai avere, ma continuando segretamente a seguirla nella sua carriera di artista Pansori.
[s.l.] : Key Films, 2006 [2013]
Abstract/Sommario: Sun-woo è un giovane manager di un lussuoso albergo e al tempo stesso braccio destro di un potente boss mafioso. Quest'ultimo gli affida un importante incarico: sorvegliare la sua giovane fidanzata, forse infedele. Sun-woo, scoperto l'amante della fidanzata del suo boss, dovrà prendere la decisione che si rivelerà la più importante della sua vita: scegliere una soluzione definitiva al problema o lasciar scappare l'amante della giovane, trasgredendo così all'ordine del suo boss. La sua ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Abstract/Sommario: Dong-keun, Jun, You-mi, members of Korea’s only gospel choir Heritage, along with eight other people travel to Harlem to learn about gospel music and also to perform with the Harlem gospel singers. As they go through series of lessons, they begin to realize that Black Gospel is not about brilliant techniques, nor beautiful voices; it is something that begins from the soul. On the day of the concert, they step onto the Harlem stage with their hearts pounding from nervousness. Will they ...; [Leggi tutto...]