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[S.l.] : Blue Spirit productions ; Be films ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2014
[S.l.] : Blue Spirit productions ; Be films ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2014
[S.l.] : Blue Spirit productions ; Be films ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2014
[S.l.] : Blue Spirit productions ; Be films ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2014
[S.l.] : Blue Spirit productions ; Be films ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2014
[S.l.] : Blue Spirit productions ; Be films ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2014
Ljubljana : Slovenski gledališki in filmski muzej, 1991
Ljubljana : Filmski sklad Republike Slovenije ; RTV Slovenija, [2006]
Abstract/Sommario: A love drama of the actress Maruša and the painter Peter; he lives in a dark rented room and she lives in a small flat. Most of their time, they spent in a pub, where they usually meet. Their relationship is full of insecurity and contradictions. Peter dreams of perfect beauty and Maruša seeks the lost youth in devotion. But the illumined window is moving away more and more.
Ljubljana : Filmski sklad Republike Slovenije ; RTV Slovenija, [2006]
Abstract/Sommario: Melanholična zgodba o srečanju mestnega človeka v zrelih letih in mlade kmečke deklice.
Ljubljana : Filmski sklad Republike Slovenije ; RTV Slovenija, [2006]
Abstract/Sommario: Vesna in Samo se iskreno zaljubita. Vesna ne ve, da ji je Samo začel dvoriti, da bi se dokopal do maturitetnih nalog njenega strogega očeta, profesorja matematike. Ko Vesna to končno spozna, ga ne želi nikoli več videti, toda Samo se ne da odgnati...