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Abstract/Sommario: A celebration of the pioneering solo cartoon work of Ub Iwerks;Walt Disney's foremost animator/collaborator. Includes All Singing! All Dancing!;Fiddlesticks;The Soup Song;The Little Red Hen;The Village Smitty;Mary's Little Lamb;The Village Barber;Old Mother Hubbard;Humpty Dumpty;The Brementown Musicians;Summertime;The Music Lesson;Puddle Pranks;Willie Whopper's Fantastic Adventures And Other Tall Tales;The Good Scout;Happy Days;The Air Race;Tom ... Thumb;Insultin' The Sultan;Sinbad The ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Abstract/Sommario: In Chaplin's Essanay Comedies, made in 1915, cinema's greatest comedian was first able to build his screen work around his performance style rather than forcing himself, as before, into Mack Sennett's frenzied Keystone comedy matrix. With this freedom Chaplin evolved in a year from the gag comedian of "His New Job" to the brilliant pantomimist of "A Night Out," "The Champion," "The Tramp" and "Shanghaied" to the profound satirist of "Police." Volume 1 includes: "His New Job," "A Night ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Abstract/Sommario: Charlie Chaplin entered a period of tremendous artistic freedom and creative growth when he embarked on his 12 films for Mutual Studios in 1916. As he neared the conclusion of his contract, he became increasingly more ambitious and mixed his tried and true comic formula with social commentary for two of his most enduring works. The Immigrant finds the promised land less than rosy for peasants herded like cattle on the ship and wandering the streets of New York looking for work and foo ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Abstract/Sommario: A celebration of the pioneering solo cartoon work of Ub Iwerks;Walt Disney's foremost animator/collaborator. Includes Down and Out With Flip The Frog;Nurse Maid;Room Runners;The Office Boy;The Milkman;The New Car;Ragtime Romeo;What A Life;The Bully;Funny Face;Movie Mad;Things That Go Bump In The Night;The Cuckoo Murder Case;Stratos Fear;Jack Frost;Chinaman's Chance;Masquerade Holiday (aka Hill's ... Fire);Techno-Cracked;Soda Squirt;The Headless Horseman;Spooks;Balloon Land;Cartoon Extr ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Abstract/Sommario: Charlie Chaplin refined his trademark character the Little Tramp through his short films at Mutual Studios with the help of his two key costars: burly, barrel-chested Eric Campbell, his hulking physical opposite who forever played the bullying nemesis (often behind a positively demonic beard), and sweet-faced Edna Purviance, the alternately demure and plucky innocent he's forever courting, saving, or simply mooning over. In The Count, Chaplin and Campbell crash a society bash under fal ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Abstract/Sommario: By 1916 Charlie Chaplin was the most popular comic actor in America, but it was the 12 brilliant comedy shorts he directed during his 16 months at Mutual Studios that turned Chaplin from an inventive comedian to one of the greatest directors of the American cinema. "Fulfilling the Mutual Contract, I suppose, was the happiest period of my life," he wrote in his autobiography, and no wonder: with unprecedented freedom, an enormously lucrative contract, and a company of creative artists a ...; [Leggi tutto...]
[S.l.] : Kino on video, 2001
Abstract/Sommario: Before Chris Farley, there was Roscoe Arbuckle, the original "Fatty falls down" clown whose popularity in silent films once rivaled Charlie Chaplin's. But he became a pariah following the death of actress Virgina Rappe at an infamous wild party in 1921. The tabloid press had a field day, though Arbuckle was acquitted after three sensational trials. He was the first actor to be blacklisted. This collection of short subjects made at the peak of Arbuckle's popularity should restore his ri ...; [Leggi tutto...]
[S.l.] : Kino on video, 2001
Abstract/Sommario: Silent comedy (and especially Buster Keaton) buffs will thrill to this second volume of five revelatory shorts by Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle. "Back Stage," "Coney Island," "The Rough House," "The Garage," and "Good Night Nurse!" were made between 1918 and 1920 at the height of Arbuckle's popularity before scandal tragically cut short his career and forever unjustly tarnished his name. They represent a vital missing chapter in film comedy history. In addition to rescuing Arbuckle from obsc ...; [Leggi tutto...]
[Italia] : Warner home video [distributore], 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Madrid. Raimunda è una gran lavoratrice, fanatica della pulizia, che sopravvive a un marito fannullone e alcolizzato e si prende cura della figlia adolescente. Sua sorella Sole, invece, è separata dal marito e sbarca il lunario come parrucchiera abusiva. Le due donne sono orfane, hanno perso entrambi i genitori durante uno dei tanti incendi provocati dal "solano", il vento che devasta La Mancha, il loro paese d'origine...
[S.l.] : Lobster, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: Contiene: Il viaggio sulla luna con musica originale degli AIR