Risultati ricerca
Crisnée : Yello now, c2015
Abstract/Sommario: Le Portrait de Dorian Gray (1945) est le deuxième des dix films réalisEs par Albert Lewin. C'est l'adaption la plus connue et la plus réussie du roman d'Oscar Wilde et un exemple exacerbé de la mise en scène holliwoodienne classique. L'étude ici proposée est une analyse iconologique détaillée du film, visant à montrer comment, tout en étant un parfait produit de studio (tendance << film cultivé >>), le film de Lewin est aussi une oeuvre singulière travaillée par une obsession d'artiste ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Belgio : Cinematek, 2014
Belgio : Cinematek , c2014
Bruxelles : [Brussels International festival of fantastic, Thriller & s cience-fiction film), 2004
Bruxelles ; Crisnée : Cinémathèque royale de Belgique : Yellow Now, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: À quoi ressemblent les coulisses d'une cinémathèque ? Peu ont eu la chance de les découvrir. 75 000 Films est un voyage très personnel à travers ce territoire inconnu, guidé par les photos de Xavier Harcq, Jimmy Kets et Marie-Françoise Plissart et par les textes de David Bordwell, Eric de Kuyper et Dominique Païni. Six points de vue différents sur une cinémathèque : ses activités, son rôle, ses espaces, ses femmes et ses hommes, et les gestes de ceux qui font en sorte que les films - c ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Crisnée : Yellow now, ©1989
Abstract/Sommario: Premio Luois Delluc 1983, A nos amours ha rivelato al pubblico la personalità decisa di Sandrine Bonnaire e sancito il tardivo riconoscimento di Maurice Pialat, della sua arte così come del suo carattere. Della linea di Jean Renoir, ad esempio, Maurice Pialat ha mantenuto la predisposizione a catturare l'imprevisto durante le riprese. Per Alain Philippon è addirittura una delle prime singolarità del cinema e della sua arte, più che mai da ricercare in termini di metodo. Perché ciò ch ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Bruxelles : Labor, 2005
Bruxelles : Cinémathèque royale de Belgique, 1995
[S.l.] : Imagine film [distributore], 2010
Abstract/Sommario: Una ex fotografa di guerra e suo marito medico sono coinvolti in una rivolta quando gli abitanti di un villaggio andino sfogano la loro infelicità per la contaminazione di una vicina miniera.
A former war photographer and her physician husband are caught up in a riot when locals in an Andean village vent their unhappiness with contamination from a nearby mine.
[Brussels] : Cinematek, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: The 1940s and 1950s can be considered the heyday of the experimental art film. In that era, leading filmmakers such as Luciano Emmer, Alain Resnais, and Henri-Georges Clouzot presented the art documentary as a truly experimental genre that enabled them to combine cinematic experiments with artistic profundity. Also Belgian filmmakers such as Charles Dekeukeleire, André Cauvin, Henri Storck, Paul Haesaerts, and Luc de Heusch made important contributions to the development of the art fil ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Crisnée : Yellow Now, 2010
Abstract/Sommario: Non si può spiegare l'attrazione delle nuvole, l'attrazione per il loro processo di formazione, per la loro realtà fisica, per il loro aspetto mutevole, per l'enigma della loro scomparsa e per la loro geometria capricciosa. Hanno alimentato la curiosità sin dagli inizi dell'umanità; occupano otticamente l'ozio, disturbano l'instancabile gusto del "bel tempo"; possono distrarre dal soggetto centrale di un dipinto o dall'abilità del personaggio centrale di un film. Sono indubbiamente leg ...; [Leggi tutto...]
[s.l. : Warner Home Video, 2006]
Antwerpen : Bries, 2002
[Brussels] : Cinematek, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: The 1940s and 1950s can be considered the heyday of the experimental art film. In that era, leading filmmakers such as Luciano Emmer, Alain Resnais, and Henri-Georges Clouzot presented the art documentary as a truly experimental genre that enabled them to combine cinematic experiments with artistic profundity. Also Belgian filmmakers such as Charles Dekeukeleire, André Cauvin, Henri Storck, Paul Haesaerts, and Luc de Heusch made important contributions to the development of the art fil ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Bruxelles : OCIC/L'Harmattan, [s.d.]
[S.l.] : Imagine film [distributore], 2013
Abstract/Sommario: In a scenic Belgian village, nature is turning its back on man. How will the locals cope with this new reality?
Bruxelles : Direction generale de la culture et de la communication, [1995]
Bruxelles : Commissariat général aux relations internationales de la Communauté française de Belgique : Service général de l'audiovisuel et des multimédias de la Communauté française de Belgique, c1999
[Brussels] : Cinematek, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: The 1940s and 1950s can be considered the heyday of the experimental art film. In that era, leading filmmakers such as Luciano Emmer, Alain Resnais, and Henri-Georges Clouzot presented the art documentary as a truly experimental genre that enabled them to combine cinematic experiments with artistic profundity. Also Belgian filmmakers such as Charles Dekeukeleire, André Cauvin, Henri Storck, Paul Haesaerts, and Luc de Heusch made important contributions to the development of the art fil ...; [Leggi tutto...]
[Brussels] : Cinematek, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: The 1940s and 1950s can be considered the heyday of the experimental art film. In that era, leading filmmakers such as Luciano Emmer, Alain Resnais, and Henri-Georges Clouzot presented the art documentary as a truly experimental genre that enabled them to combine cinematic experiments with artistic profundity. Also Belgian filmmakers such as Charles Dekeukeleire, André Cauvin, Henri Storck, Paul Haesaerts, and Luc de Heusch made important contributions to the development of the art fil ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Bruxelles : De Boeck Université, c2000
Bruxelles ; 1994
Bruxelles ; 1995
[Belgio] : FIAF, 2016
Abstract/Sommario: The FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual is the result of many years of labor and collaboration with numerous professionals in the moving image field. It addresses the changes in information technology that we've seen over the past two decades, and aligns with modern cataloguing and metadata standards and concepts such as FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records), EN 15907, and RDA (Resource Description and Access). The manual is designed to be compatible with a variety ...; [Leggi tutto...]
[S.l.] : Twin pics [distributore], 2010
Abstract/Sommario: Set in the frozen steppes of Mongolia, a young nomad confronted with his destiny after animals fall victim to a plague which threatens to eradicate nomadism.
[S.l.] : Twin pics [distributore], 2017
Abstract/Sommario: Desperate to return home from a state visit to Istanbul when his country suffers its worst-ever political crisis, but unable to fly due to a solar storm, the King of the Belgians finds himself on a tumultuous road trip across the Balkans.
Louvain : Librairie universitaire, c1969
Crisnee : Yellow now, 1988
Gent : Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, ©1981
Crisnée : Yellow Now, 2015
Bruxelles : P.I.E. : P. Lang, 2005
Abstract/Sommario: Cet ouvrage reconsidère le Mélodrame à partir de cette idée en proposant un nouveau sous-genre, le Mélodrame Maléfique, qui s'articule autour d'un personnage principal : l'héroïne maléfique. Emblématique de l'état d'esprit qui règne aux Etats-Unis dans les années 1940 et qui implique la nécessité de dénoncer tous les comportements anti-américains, l'héroïne maléfique est l'illustration parfaite de la prédétermination narrative et stylistique du Mélodrame.
Crisnée : Yellow now, 1990
Crisnée [Belgique] : Yellow now, 1988
[S.l. : Belga Home Video]
Crisnée : Yellow Now, c2002
Bruxelles : FRMK, 2006
Abstract/Sommario: Dans le premier volume, publié par l'Association en 1999, la Putain P est une femme enfant qui fait l'apprentissage de la maternité après avoir cherché l'homme. A présent, la Putain P veut se marier mais cela va l'emmener en voyage entre le blanc et le noir, entre la mort et la vie.
Comme s'il s'agissait de saisir dans sa toile un indicible secret, comme s'il s'agissait de s'enfoncer plus profondément dans le mystère, Anke Feuchtenberger trace un parcours d'ombres. C'est cette attenti ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Comme s'il s'agissait de saisir dans sa toile un indicible secret, comme s'il s'agissait de s'enfoncer plus profondément dans le mystère, Anke Feuchtenberger trace un parcours d'ombres. C'est cette attenti ...; [Leggi tutto...]