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[S.l.] : Rainbow ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2012
Abstract/Sommario: The village is fed from the Tree of Life, an ancient tree that provides the Pixie's MagicPop, globes that contain positive magic of Special Talent. Each Pixie has a special talent and when she uses it for the benefit of others and in the right way, they will receive a MagicPop and becomes a PopPixie. The enemies of the Pixies are the Elves which combine jokes and trouble within their village, Pixieville.
[S.l.] : Rainbow ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2012
Abstract/Sommario: The village is fed from the Tree of Life, an ancient tree that provides the Pixie's MagicPop, globes that contain positive magic of Special Talent. Each Pixie has a special talent and when she uses it for the benefit of others and in the right way, they will receive a MagicPop and becomes a PopPixie. The enemies of the Pixies are the Elves which combine jokes and trouble within their village, Pixieville.
[S.l.] : Rainbow ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2012
Abstract/Sommario: The village is fed from the Tree of Life, an ancient tree that provides the Pixie's MagicPop, globes that contain positive magic of Special Talent. Each Pixie has a special talent and when she uses it for the benefit of others and in the right way, they will receive a MagicPop and becomes a PopPixie. The enemies of the Pixies are the Elves which combine jokes and trouble within their village, Pixieville.
[S.l.] : Rainbow ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2012
Abstract/Sommario: The village is fed from the Tree of Life, an ancient tree that provides the Pixie's MagicPop, globes that contain positive magic of Special Talent. Each Pixie has a special talent and when she uses it for the benefit of others and in the right way, they will receive a MagicPop and becomes a PopPixie. The enemies of the Pixies are the Elves which combine jokes and trouble within their village, Pixieville.
Škofljica : Blitz Film & Video Distribution [distributore], 2012
Abstract/Sommario: Pariz leta 1920. Sramežljivi kino operater Emile in živahni izumitelj Raoul se zapleteta v lov na pošast, ki straši Parižane, a je povsem krotka. Zato združita moči s čudovito kabarejsko pevko Lucille ter z znanstvenikovo iznajdljivo opico, da bi rešili nesrečno pošast, ki je pravzaprav ogromna nenevarna bolha, ki pa jo preganja ambiciozni in neusmiljeni mestni svetnik Maynott. Zgodbo še obogatijo čudovite pesmi!
Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], [dopo il 2013]
Abstract/Sommario: Odkar je bil Miha Očnik majhen, je sanjal, da bi postal strahec. In od vseh najbolje ve, da najboljši strahci prihajajo s Pošastne univerze. Ampak že prvi semester študija mu načrte pokvari vročekrvni in bahavi kosmatinec Sullivan oziroma Sulley, ki prihaja iz družine z dolgo strašilno tradicijo. Njuno rivalstvo se tako zaostri, da ju nazadnje oba izključijo iz elitnega strašilnega programa. In to še ni vse. Če se hočeta vrniti vanj, morata...
[Črni Vrh nad Idrijo] : Demiurg, 2019
Abstract/Sommario: Andrej ima zaradi neprimernega in nasilnega vedenja težave s starši, šolo, socialno delavko, policijo in sodnico. Ko pristane v vzgojnem zavodu, si svoje mesto izbori v manjši tolpi fantov, ki jo vodi Žele. Skupaj se zapletajo v objestne avanture, zaznamovane z nasiljem, kriminalnimi dejanji, zabavami, drogami in alkoholom. Pod mladostniško objestnostjo pa Andrej skrbno varuje svojo skrivnost. Nova prijateljstva v njem prvič vzbudijo občutke varnosti in sprejetosti. Vendar ti ne trajaj ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Ljubljana : UMco, 2013
Ljubljana : UMco, 2011
Kranj : Media film, p 2007
Abstract/Sommario: Priljubljeni poštar Peter se znajde v novi adventuri.