Risultati ricerca
Ljubljana : Slovenska kinoteka, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: Stane Sever velja za enega najuglednejših in najpomembnejših slovenskih igralcev. Za svoje igralsko ustvarjanje je prejel številne nagrade in odlikovanja. Na filmu je debitiral leta 1947 v celovečercu To ljudstvo bo živelo. V svoji igralski karieri je oblikoval 24 vlog v celovečernih filmih, 13 vlog v televizijskih dramah, filmih in serijah ter več kot 185 vlog na gledaliških odrih. Med njegove največje in najpomembnejše igralske dosežke, ki jih je ustvaril na filmu, sodijo naslednje v ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Ljubljana : Slovenska kinoteka, 2005
Ljubljana : Filmski sklad Republike Slovenije-javni sklad = Slovenian film found [distributore], [s.d.]
Abstract/Sommario: Dvanajstletni Tomaž preživlja svoje zadnje otroško poletje na plaži, kjer pozablja na prepire ločenih staršev, ki v svoji prezaposlenosti ne opazita, da njun sin odrašča hitreje, kot bi to lahko sklepala po prekratkih rokavih. Razen starega mornarja Luka ni med odraslimi nikogar, ki bi razumel Tomaževe težave. Luka mu podari školjko. Vsakič, ko bo poslušal šumenje morja v školjki, se bo Tomaž spomnil na...
Ljubljana : Filmski sklad Republike Slovenije-javni sklad = Slovenian film found [distributore], [s.d.]
Abstract/Sommario: Dvanajstletni Tomaž preživlja svoje zadnje otroško poletje na plaži, kjer pozablja na prepire ločenih staršev, ki v svoji prezaposlenosti ne opazita, da njun sin odrašča hitreje, kot bi to lahko sklepala po prekratkih rokavih. Razen starega mornarja Luka ni med odraslimi nikogar, ki bi razumel Tomaževe težave. Luka mu podari školjko. Vsakič, ko bo poslušal šumenje morja v školjki, se bo Tomaž spomnil na...
Logatec : Go Partner, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: Odtujeni polsestri iz Izole sta zaradi okoliščin prisiljeni živeti skupaj v majhnem najetem stanovanju v Ljubljani. Film Damjana Kozoleta je prejel vesno za najboljšo žensko vlogo v Portorožu, svetovno premiero pa je doživel v uradnem tekmovalnem programu festivala v Karlovih Varih.
[S.l.] : Rainbow ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2012
Abstract/Sommario: The village is fed from the Tree of Life, an ancient tree that provides the Pixie's MagicPop, globes that contain positive magic of Special Talent. Each Pixie has a special talent and when she uses it for the benefit of others and in the right way, they will receive a MagicPop and becomes a PopPixie. The enemies of the Pixies are the Elves which combine jokes and trouble within their village, Pixieville.
[S.l.] : Rainbow ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2012
Abstract/Sommario: The village is fed from the Tree of Life, an ancient tree that provides the Pixie's MagicPop, globes that contain positive magic of Special Talent. Each Pixie has a special talent and when she uses it for the benefit of others and in the right way, they will receive a MagicPop and becomes a PopPixie. The enemies of the Pixies are the Elves which combine jokes and trouble within their village, Pixieville.
[S.l.] : Rainbow ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2012
Abstract/Sommario: The village is fed from the Tree of Life, an ancient tree that provides the Pixie's MagicPop, globes that contain positive magic of Special Talent. Each Pixie has a special talent and when she uses it for the benefit of others and in the right way, they will receive a MagicPop and becomes a PopPixie. The enemies of the Pixies are the Elves which combine jokes and trouble within their village, Pixieville.
[S.l.] : Rainbow ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2012
Abstract/Sommario: The village is fed from the Tree of Life, an ancient tree that provides the Pixie's MagicPop, globes that contain positive magic of Special Talent. Each Pixie has a special talent and when she uses it for the benefit of others and in the right way, they will receive a MagicPop and becomes a PopPixie. The enemies of the Pixies are the Elves which combine jokes and trouble within their village, Pixieville.
[S.l.] : Rainbow ; Ljubljana : Menart [distributore], 2012
Abstract/Sommario: The village is fed from the Tree of Life, an ancient tree that provides the Pixie's MagicPop, globes that contain positive magic of Special Talent. Each Pixie has a special talent and when she uses it for the benefit of others and in the right way, they will receive a MagicPop and becomes a PopPixie. The enemies of the Pixies are the Elves which combine jokes and trouble within their village, Pixieville.